Eli Logan -Tech News

Determining the Value of Potential Advertising Channels Online


It’s important for any business to have an online advertising presence. Whether it’s Google AdWords, digital newsletters or industry websites, online visibility is a must in today’s business climate. It’s possible for any-sized business to [...]

Determining the Value of Potential Advertising Channels Online2024-06-16T14:01:26-05:00

When should you set your trade show objectives? And who should be doing it?


It’s well established how to best set trade show objectives and why it’s important (see here, here, and here). But who should be doing it? And when? That depends on how compartmentalized the sales and [...]

When should you set your trade show objectives? And who should be doing it?2024-06-16T09:52:05-05:00

Freebies Aren’t Free-How to Take a Questionable Trade Show Expense and Make Them Work for You


Freebies. Promotional items. Tchotchkes. Whatever the handle, they’re a hotly contested subject in the trade show industry. Freebies that are truly free to anyone walking the floor can cost exhibitors a lot of money and [...]

Freebies Aren’t Free-How to Take a Questionable Trade Show Expense and Make Them Work for You2024-06-16T05:36:04-05:00

Conference or Exposition: Why Show Formats Should Influence Setting Trade Show Objectives


For the most part, trade shows break down into two formats: Conference series with a trade show attached Trade shows/ expositions How the show format factors into setting your trade show objectives: Trade shows and [...]

Conference or Exposition: Why Show Formats Should Influence Setting Trade Show Objectives2024-06-16T01:19:27-05:00

Booth Staff for Your Next Trade Show: The Value of Technical Experts


When most people think of trade show booth staff, they picture a gaggle of first-rate sales reps. They’re talkative, friendly, knowledgeable professionals who will connect with leads, discover the challenges they face in their businesses [...]

Booth Staff for Your Next Trade Show: The Value of Technical Experts2024-06-15T17:05:44-05:00

About My Work

Eli’s expertise was developed through a series of successful ventures including B2B trade show development and management, developing and utilizing effective content platforms, in addition to automates sales and marketing adaptations. Additionally he has founded sales and service operations in the energy industry.

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